A Broader Outlook On Indian Chemical Industry

India has achieved considerable progress in production of chemicals. And with slash in tariffs, Indian chemical companies with well-built systems and structured operations are likely to be benefited further.

It is not only countrys oldest industry, but the Indian Chemical Industry has been contributing to Indias growing economy in a phenomenal way. It may be hard to believe, but the industry serves the basic need of many different industry verticals like natural gas, water, oil, metals, minerals, air, oil, etc and all these verticals eventually bring into marketplace an array of products, almost 70000 products, to be precise.

Today, India has achieved considerable progress in production of basic organic and inorganic chemicals, pesticides, paints, dyestuffs and intermediates, petrochemicals, fine and specialty chemicals and toiletry product segments. And with slash in tariffs, Indian chemical companies with well-built systems and structured operations are likely to be benefited further. The companies manufacturing highly valued chemicals, and who are compliant of industrial quality standards, can make their mark not just in India but even in the overseas markets as well.

In Indian context, the rise in disposable income has led to improved chemical consumption. This has aided countrys GDP climb further, from 9% to 13%. In an attempt to make the industry more progressive and flourishing, the government of India has introduced a slew of policies and special economic zones centering on the petrochemical sector. Furthermore, several manufacturing companies are focusing on expansion plans in the coming years.

Chemicals and chemical products influence our lives in a significant way. Be it donning synthetic clothes, or consuming drugs, or when it comes to using thermoplastic furniture at homes and offices, chemicals have become a way of life in this fast-changing world. In addition, the industry plays a pivotal role in agricultural and development sectors. Some of the other sectors, like engineering, automotive, consumer durables and food processing also depend on this sector in a big way.

The industry is on a high growth trajectory. The industry, through a series of efforts is expected to achieve USD 100 billion in the upcoming years. The industrys contribution to the Indian manufacturing sector is almost 17.6 percent. Since the ages, Indian chemicals have been traded and today imports stand at USD 7.92 billion and exports at 5.95 billion. And now with the onset of liberalization and globalization, the Industry is on a major expansion spree. The industry today is into manufacturing wide range of goods including fine and specialty chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, dyes and pigments, agrochemicals and fertilizers, pesticides, plastics and petrochemicals etc.

However, Indian chemical industry is yet to makes its presence felt in a big way in the international markets.

Fast-facts on Indian chemical industry

Highly fragmented

Operates at the micro level.

Increased per capita consumption level has put the industry on fast-track

Higher cost of capital, import duties and power, making it less competitive in the international markets.

Very little spotlight on Resource & Development

Presence of many multinational companies

Big players in bulk chemicals. Presence of small and big players in fine and specialty chemicals.

Major Segments

The Indian Chemical Industry has following major segments:

* Petrochemicals

* Inorganic Chemicals

* Organic Chemicals

* Fine and specialties

* Bulk Drugs

* Agrochemicals

* Paints and Dyes


Petrochemicals form the biggest category in the chemicals, and it is also one of the fastest growing sectors. The segement is into producing basic chemicals like Ethylene, Propylene, Benzene and Xylene etc, intermediates like MEG, PAN and LAB etc., synthetic fibres like Nylon, PSF and PFY etc, polymers like LDPE/HDPE, PVC, Polyester and PET etc, synthetic rubber like SBR, PBR etc. The key players include: Reliance, IPCL, NOCIL, Haldia and GAIL etc.

Inorganic Chemicals

At present it is worth US$ 2.5 Billion industry. The segment concentrates on the production of caustic, chlorine, sulphuric Acid etc. The inorganic chemicals are commonly used in detergents, glass, soap, fertiliser, alkalies etc. However, the industry is encountering stiff competition from international players, when it comes to catering to the requirements of the local markets.

Organic Chemicals

It is reportedly 1billion dollar industry and includes an array of chemicals. Most of the companies manufacturing organic chemicals can be found in western India.

Fine Specialties

The fine specialties segment is highly fragmented, with sizeable number of big players. However, all these players operate on low volume and high price margin. It is one of the fastest growing sectors with market around US$80 million p.a. And many big and small Indian companies form part of it. The major end user segments include: Textile, Leather, paper, detergent, rubber, paints, polyester, oil and gas etc.

Bulk Drugs

Bulk Drugs have a large market in India and in the outside world. Out of the 475 drugs used, 425 are locally procured. There are around 350 units in the organized sector, while there can be many more in the unorganized sector. Bulk drug production is concentrated in the areas around Bombay, Ankleshwar, Hyderabad Madras, Chandigarh.

India has very strong base in reverse engineering, molecular chemistry and patents on processes and not just on products. Major players in India in bulk drug category include: Ranbaxy, Dr. Reddy’s, Cheminor, Shasun, Cipla, Lupin, IPCA, Sun, Aurobindo, Kopran, Cadilla, Wockhardt, etc. It is a well-acknowledged fact that most of the bulk drug companies are Indian companies while those into formulations are primarily MNCs.


India being an agricultural dominated country, it is obvious that the country is a major user of agrochemicals; nonetheless, the average Indian consumption is reportedly low i.e., 1/20th of world average. The segment has been witnessing a growth of 10% pa and has registered revenue worth US$800 million. Consumption of the crop varies depending on the crop and region. Cash crops like sugarcane, tobacco etc. consume large amount of pesticides, almost over 60%. Major agrochemicals exports include: Insecticides, Fungicides, Herbicides, Weedicides, Rodenticides, and Fumigants.

Paint and Dyes

Indian dyes are in demand world over, thanks to ban on production of dyes in developed nations due to the reservations related to pollution. Dyes are principally used in Paints, Inks, Textiles and Polymers. The total market of paint and dyes is almost US$ 1 Billion, and the growth rate is almost 12%. In addition, the marketplace is highly fragmented. There are about 25 large and medium players, which cover 50% market share, while 2000 other organized players contribute next fifty percent. Moreover, the per capita consumption is very low in India(400 gms) as opposed to the developed countries(15 kgs).

Overseas Trade

In the early 1990s, India was more into importing of chemicals; however, with the setting up of large scale petrochemical plants like Reliance, etc exports have improved. Even exports of bulk drugs, pharma, pesticides, dyes and intermediates have climbed up.

The overall performance of Indian Chemical Industry has been good in the domestic markets; however, in the international markets the industry it is yet to make its presence felt in a significant way. And factors like recession and crises in the Middle East have had a poor impact on the manufacturing and export sector of the industry.

The International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA), an association that consists 80% of the world manufacturers of chemicals has announced its support for a new round of multilateral trade negotiations in the World Trade Organization.

ICCAs main concerns include: removal of chemical tariffs, management of anti-dumping practices, making simpler the custom processes and full execution of TRIPs agreement. While management of anti- dumping practices would profit India, the tariff-free world would lead to stiff competition

Road ahead

Highly developed technology, in-depth research capabilities, backward and forward linkages, development of domestic capacity to decrease the dependence on imports are some of the crucial factors that need to be taken into consideration. Nowadays, safety, health and environment protection issues have become the major-talking point in almost all industries and even in the Indian chemical industry too. The Indian chemical manufacturers are addressing the issue on a war-footing.

Made-from-india.com is a leading B2B portal from India, and has listed on its portal, some top manufacturers, exporters and suppliers of varied chemical products.

Singapore Mobile Commerce Industry Outlook To 2016 Evolution In Mobile Shopping

The report includes the market segments such as mobile applications and mobile payments with a detailed analysis of total industry size in terms of revenue, total number of subscribers undertaking m-Commerce transactions with their future projections and the latest trends and developments in the industry. The report also entails an analysis of all the major players in the market.
The total number of subscribers undertaking the Mobile Commerce transactions in Singapore is ~ for the year 2011.Singapore offers the brightest future in this market because of its high mobile penetration rate, an efficient regulatory system and sound financial support from government. Mobile Commerce market size has increased from USD ~ million in 2009 to USD ~ million in 2011 at a CAGR of 574.6%. Consumer spending via mobile devices rose from USD ~ in 2010 to USD ~ in 2011.

The number of mobile shoppers had constituted ~ of all online shoppers in 2011, as compared to ~ in 2010. The people in Singapore spent USD ~ million using Smartphone in 2011, almost three-quarters of the total M-Commerce market as compared to USD ~ million through tablets. Consumers spent USD ~ million on applications and USD ~ million on Movie tickets via their tablet devices.
The Singapore Mobile payment market has showcased a splendid growth in the past year from USD ~ thousand in 2010 to USD ~ thousand in 2011. The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 53.1% from 2012 to 2016. The average spending of an individual on mobile shopping is expected to increase from USD ~ in 2012 to USD ~ in 2016. People are expected to prefer mobile shopping over online shopping in future. Singapore witnessed a decline of ~ in online shopping in past year.

Singapore mobile application market size in terms of revenue grew from USD ~ million in 2009 to USD ~ million in 2011 at a CAGR of 633.3%. The report also includes the mobile applications market segmentation into games, ringtones, learning applications, kids applications with their contribution on the basis of revenue. Games constitute the maximum share with USD ~ million revenue followed by ringtones, learning applications and kids applications. The industry is expected to grow at a CAGR of 91% in future.
Singapore customers in the age of 18 to 44 years prefer their mobile devices over personal computers as their primary internet platform because of the comfort and simplicity that mobile devices ensure nowadays. Mobile commerce industry has shown significant growth due to factors such as high smartphone penetration and mounting number of 3G subscribers.
The report entails a detailed SWOT analysis of the industry highlighting the key strengths and threats. A thorough scenario

analysis of the countrys mobile commerce industry explains the future projections under three different circumstances.
Key Topics Covered in the Report:
Market size of Singapore Mobile commerce industry
Market segmentation on the basis of category such as fashion and accessories, books, movie tickets and mobile devices such as smartphone and tablets along with their market share.
Detailed analysis of mobile payment market in Singapore with its market share and future projections Mobile application market size in terms of revenue in USD million Market segmentation on the basis of games, ringtones, learning applications and kids applications Cause and effect table relationship between various factors affecting the m- payment and m-application market.
Growth drivers for m-commerce, m-payments and m-applications market of Singapore Analysis of major players in these sectors with their company profiles in detail The historical and the projected trends in the macro-economic indicators, which had an impact on the Singapore mobile commerce market

For more information on the industry research report please refer to the below mentioned link:

Vending Cart Industry In India

The vending cart industry in India has a historic presence, even the format of the cart has not evolved a lot. Still the cart is made of wood with an iron frame to support the wheel and the wood. The cost of the cart being roughly around USD 10 and it makes the capital investment very low. Any one who feels to try his/her entrepreneur skill can invest in with the low capital amount and the stock. No licenses are required to operate such carts in India as they are not legal. When Government starts any action against them they disappear from the market and as soon as the caravan of the government vehicle passes by they reappear as nothing has happened ever. All it requires you to operate such cart is small amount of money (since very low capital), willingness to work and last but not least entrepreneur skill to operate your business.

The vending business in India can be seen across all the industry. One can find food, vegetables, fruits, clothes, shoes, toys, groceries and everything and anything on the cart put up for sale. Recently I have seen a cart selling very costly decorative item on the cart. The carts usually rule the street and at times you can find a specialized market for them which is set up by the local authorities (to improve the conditions of street vendors) generally known as Hatwada in Northern India. But the major industry that rules the vending industry in India is the food industry. You can find every kind of food being served on the plates of these local street food vendors, mostly unhygienic but at times hygienic too.

The scenario of vending business in India is now changing. With the efforts of the government (Ministry of Food Processing in India) and local authorities the vending business in India will see a tremendous change in coming years. With the PPP model a lot can happen which not only can improve the condition of the vending business in India as well as also be able to improve the quality being served on these street carts. Some companies Like KDCPL have already popped in for a better street vending in India.

Chinese Lingerie And Intimate Wear Industry Market Overview

Lingerie industry is in a state of intense competition. Fashionable and price friendly lingerie’s are sold by the manufacturers while global brands are looking for new markets. International specialty brands are at their wings; seeking entry into emerging markets for future growth. Current global market for lingerie’s rose by 2.6% to $29.92 billion USD from 2004 to 2007, while clothing prices dropped down by 4%. China, as an emerging market has seen a growth rate of 8.1% during the same time. Fast fashion retailers are now offering fashionable intimate apparels at lower prices and are undertaking hardcore marketing efforts to sustain their brand image in China. On the other hand, China itself is a major exporter of apparels to the global market at competitive prices.

Chinese Lingerie Market:

Chinese lingerie market is a dynamic sector. Their market structure is composed of many national and international brands, and intimate apparels are brought in by many countries; names unknown to the consumer.
The country’s lingerie market is a fast moving one, and there is a drastic change during the recent past. The lingerie market is estimated to be of a total value of 2 billion euros, and industry experts predict a further positive increase of 20% every year. The country is the third largest for luxury consumption, and is assumed by the market leaders to catch up with the position of Japan in the next 10 years. China is a key player in fabric industry, having good potential for creation and consumption. Major lingerie players in China have reassessed their market positions, and are now closing the knowledge gap to become ‘low cost’ producers.

Integral Apparel in the Wardrobe of Chinese Women:

As Chinese lingerie manufacturers eye the global market, rest of the world eyes China. Shanghai is in the forefront of the lingerie boom. Lingerie is progressively becoming one desirable item in the wardrobe of Chinese women. A survey states that an average Chinese woman spends 8% of their fashion budget on lingerie annually. Though 8% appears to be meager, China is populated with 503 million women and the huge numbers are promising. From lavishness, luxury lingerie’s have now become a wardrobe necessity. A lingerie industry survey states that Chinese population consists of more than 200 million women in the age limit of using lingerie, the annual consumption would go beyond 600 million pieces, reaching a sales figure of 15 million RMB.

Exports-The Lacy Lingerie Race:

Encompassing promising prospects in the global market, lingerie industries in China are actively seeking opportunities to expand its domestic market overseas. On an average, the country exports around 4 billion pieces of lingerie; annually. They export intimate wears mainly to France, US, Japan, and Europe. Export of Chinese bras rose as high as 10.5 million; i.e., 93% after the EU ended a 40 year quota system. China enjoys a good market in US as a lingerie exporter. Its performance is on a high base capturing 25% of exports to US. Despite the restrictions on US exports to China, the communist giant is expected to become the third largest exporter to US. China, enfolded with continuous enhancement in technology, makes it a cost effective destination for other countries to have their production base offshore. China along with India is projected to increase its global market share by $100 million USD each in the next few years.

Leading Intimate Wear Hubs:

The city of Shenzhen is considered as the ‘fashion capital’ of China. It is a pedestal of domestic and foreign intimate wears, designing, R&D, and manufacturing of lingerie’s. The economic benefits acquired and the market size favor Shenzhen and draws continuous attention of the investors. Many popular brands sold in the global market are being exported from the Pearl River Delta, especially Shenzhen. The ‘Sun Hing Group’ who manufacture 70% of its lingerie accessories in Asia, the ‘YKK’, a fortune 500 company, and ‘Regina Miracle’ all have their manufacturing base in Shenzhen. The city has a perfectly formed industry chain starting from design to production, marketing, and sales both at the domestic and export level. A renowned lingerie brand has launched its outlet in Shenzhen especially because of its cluster effect which will enhance brand promotion and boost sales. Two of the popular Chinese lingerie brands come from Shenzhen, and almost 10 internationally reputed lingerie brands have their production base here. Topform, Calvin Klein, Triumph, Regina Miracle, and Victoria’s Secret are a few to name. Embry Form, Xusany, Venies, Ordifen etc are a few domestic brands, having their manufacturing facilities in Shenzhen and enjoy a nation wide reputation.

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Branded Intimate Apparel Industry France Market Overview

In the perspective of lingerie’s, men are only left to wonder, ‘boxers or briefs’ whereas; a woman’s physique being sculpted and adorned in a unique way of its own, offer a wide assortment of choices. The market for women’s wear lingerie is being manipulated by the advent of modern technologies and fabrics that make new designs, and innovative intimate wears. These products have a higher profit margin than any other regular apparel. New trends in lingerie and fabric emerge exclusively from Europe and predominantly from France and Italy. France is at the forefront of fashion lingerie’s. Designers in France give more focus on rich looking fabrics, vibrant hues, laces, and embroideries. Just as their fashion, French lingerie’s also exhibit richness and elaborate embellishments that are preferred worldwide.

French Lingerie Industry Overview

France contributes to the origin of the word ‘lingerie’ which in French means ‘washables’. French lingerie’s come in sophisticated different lines; basic, sexy, and flirty, fitting every season. The designs are akin to both classical and modern look, and make a woman fit in line with the trend, while rendering her to ‘stand out’. They are available in a wide range of materials, tailored efficiently in different cuts and types, styles and colors. Their lingerie making techniques are based on centuries of expertise.

Current lingerie industry in France is valued to be $3.1 billion USD, and is further expected to increase by 0.8% consecutively for the next five years. French consumers spend about 13 billion euros a year on the purchase of lingerie’s. A lingerie industry survey states that French women spend 20 percent of their fashion budget on lingerie’s. Sale of lingerie’s account to 18% of total sales of women’s wear apparels in France. On an average, a French woman buys five lingerie’s in a year and one night gown every 19 months. Women in the age group of 15-34 purchase more lingerie items than women of other ages spending $92.4 annually on the purchase of intimate wears. Women in the age group 50-64 have a bigger budget and spend more than $100 a year for the purchase of lingerie. Much contribution to the lingerie industry comes from the women of this age group. Comfort is the prime consideration behind their purchase. French women are sensitive towards tones, textures, and prefer practical fabrics that are easy to care and non allergic. They like soft fabrics with micro fibers. Corsets, especially brassieres comprise the largest segment in the lingerie market.

Exquisite Brands from the Fashion Capital

Over the past decade market trends have changed offering creative products. Brands like Dolce, Gucci, Dior, and Gabana have expanded their market through these types of products. Several stores and boutiques in France specialize in unique items of French intimate apparels. Agent Provocateur is a classic and couture lingerie brand. US companies have good opportunities in this sector, and have superior brands that appeal to the preferences of the French consumers. Warnaco’s Lejaby, Calvin Klein, & Warner’s, Sara Lees’s Playtex, Dim, & Wonderbra, and VF Diffusion’s Bestform, Lou, Variance, Bolero, & Vassarette, enjoy a good market in France. US are predicted to have a promising market in France as French consumers are becoming more receptive to American fashions.

However, domestic brands do have a strong hold in the French market. The top five intimate apparel brands in France are Lejaby, Simone Perele, Chantelle, Aubade, and Barbara. Domestic brands like Lise Charmel, Ravage, Rien, have a reputed market. Brands of Swear and Audrey have a sales figure three times more than imported lingerie’s. Brands like Pour Moi and Chantelle have achieved good revenues. Sold in more than 50 countries, Chantelle is the top French brand in the world.

What is Hot in the French Lingerie Market

France offers a fashion fiesta of lingerie’s for the fashion savvy women of today. Brassieres with cut seams, molded shape and nave embroideries, transparent body suits, classic demi-cups with underwire, intimate wears in ultra simple shapes with decorated graphics, camisoles with transparency and layering are a few items that sell in the market like hot cakes. Lingerie’s made from fabrics of fine opaque knits, voile knits, organza, blended woven stretch products, and fine tulle fill the stores in France. Cotton, linen, microfibres, laces, and tiny mesh fabrics also have their share in the making of these garments. Appealing intimate apparels in shades of indigo, cobalt lavender, tone-on-tone colors with hues of pink, red, and orange, opaque & translucent white and pastel tones of parma and blue are the shades most sought after by ‘French mademoiselles’. There is a resurgence of fashion of the early 40’s and 50’s among the French designers. Sensual fabrics with subtle lines in complementing hues have made their appearance. Aubade lingerie’s exhibit the grace of the geisha in soft, feminine intimate apparels. Flower motifs supplemented by leavers lace demonstrate an intimate feel.